Thursday, 1 September 2016

385. Rama landed at the hermitage of Bharadwaja.

             Rama, on second thoughts decided to see and pay homage to the the sage Bharadwaja. Accordingly he ordered the plane to land in front of that great sage.
           Rama and all others got down from the plane and walked to the hermitage of the sage Bharadwaja.  While all others were waiting outside the hermitage, Rama entered the hermitage and offered his salutation to the sage.
      After offering his obeisance to Bharadwaja, Rama enquired him about the city of Ayodhya as to whether it continues to have an abundance of food and free from disease and whether Bharata was attentive in his rule and about his mothers.
        The great sage Bharadwaja smilingly replied "Bharata, placing your wooden-sandals before him, is looking forward for your arrival. All are safe at your home and in the city.
       "I am highly delighted to see you now. That joy and sorrow experienced by you in abundance while residing in Janasthana forest is completely known to me.
      "While you were busy in protecting all the ascetics who prayed you for safeguarding the interests of  Brahmanas, this irreproachable wife of yours was taken away by Ravana.
      "O Rama! I am quite aware of what happened to you during your stay in the forest by virtue of my asceticism.  My disciples go to the Ayodhya city now and then. They report to me the news about Ayodhya. Everything is quite okay there."
      Rama then requested the sage "O Your Holiness! I request a boon from you. Let all the trees on the way, as one flies to Ayodhya, bear fruit and flow with honey, even in the off-season. Let abundant fruits of various kinds, emitting the fragrance of nectar, appear on them."
        The boon sought by Rama was granted by that sage with a smile. Before the lips of the sage went back to their normal position, the trees there grew to be closely like the heavenly trees. Then, for an area of about forty kilometers radius from the hermitage of the sage, the trees that no longer bore fruit, were laden with fruit and those which had ceased to blossom looked charming with blossom. The withered trees were fully clothed with foliage and further began to flow with honey.
                     The vanaras and bears enjoyed the fruits etc.

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